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What Are the Recommendation Processes for Choosing an SEO Company?

When it comes to choosing a reputable SEO management agency company to take care of your SEO, there's always both a right way and a wrong way to go about the hiring process. This piece identifies the common pitfalls to avoid and advice to take when it comes to selecting an SEO agency.

Step 1

Before choosing an SEO company, it is important to figure out the goals you’re trying to achieve with SEO. What do you want to do with SEO? Hence, it is really important to judge success against failure. In this step, you will get to learn what the good & bad goals are.

Good Goals:

Getting traffic from these specific groups should be your primary goal. If you are trying to boost revenue and trying to boost then new sales and SEO is a sale driving channel. Boosting downloads or free-sign-ups or free trials another way to do it. Boosting the sentiments of your brand is another way to do it. Push the good reviews up and bad reviews down. Reviews are the best way to find that your brand is performing well.

Bad Goals:

Generating more traffic is always a terrible goal to have. It is always not correct that generating traffic is the only way to achieve success. Getting a higher ranking is another wrong misconception that people have. Usually seeking a higher rank is a bad sign for SEO companies. You should not have that goal while choosing an SEO company.

Step 2

After listing the good goals that you are trying to optimize for, next thing you should do is that assembling a list to sort out the right comfort zone for you. You should list some criteria that list top of your chart.

Good Sources:

You need to discover who falls under your good resources category. That could be your friends and personal & professional networks as well. You also need to get involved with a B2B space or in an economic space and there’s a non-competitive e-commerce company with whom you have a good rapport.

Industry Insiders:

It is also important for you to follow some great SEO people on Facebook, Twitter, and other popular networks. It is the best possible way to reach out to some of the influential insiders with whom you have a relationship with and always ask them for their recommendations.

Step 3


A good SEOagency can only build trust through references. Trust can also be built through conversation that you’ve talked to in your network. Before finding an agency, it is really important to seek references.

Through Referrals:

If you hear great referrals and you also trust those referral sources then you should always pounce on to such referrals.

Communication Style Match:

If your communication style is good then half of your work is done. Having a good communication style makes you work really smoothly.

Price and Contract Structure:

Many SEO agencies have month-to-month contract structure. You need to pay some upfront fees and then some ongoing monthly fees. Based upon their works, you can renew the contract.

It is also important for you to divulge information about picking up good SEO companies. Apart from the above thoughts, there can be some other ways of choosing an agency and you need to share it.

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