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How Google Determines the Quality of Webpages?

Have you ever wondered how to identify the webpages that have the potential to acquire top ranks in the major search engines? Do you know the varied factors that Google takes into account for gauging whether a page is of high or low quality? Well, there are series of aspects starting from the load times to searcher behavior and spelling errors that determine which of the pages could make the grade.

What does Google mean by ‘quality’?

The top-notch providers of best seo services in London have time and again mentioned that Google has some specific ideas regarding the quality of webpages. While few of the notions are quite obvious and we are acquainted with all of them, there are some that may seem a bit intimidating.

  • Google rewards the pages that are replete with unique contents. Writers need to be proficient enough to generate blogs and articles with definite perceptions.
  • Instead of only words and phrases, contents should have exclusivityso that it can offer maximum value to the searchers.
  • Google has stated that a webpage should have many links that are directed towards renowned external sources as well as other domains.
  • The webpage should successfully answer a searcher’s query.
  • A page must load fast. No matter if the webpage is accessed through a mobile or desktop, across any platform or on any connection; the speed should remain the same in all cases.
  • Webpages must have alluring designs and exceptional functionality so that they can operate fast and could provide spontaneous user experience.
  • Webpages could only rank higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs) if they can provide well-spelled and grammatically correct contents.
  • Contents without text should have alternatives. For instance, Google has constantly emphasized upon the usage of alt attribute. This is why video contents offer subtitles.
  • While you can surely publish a write-up with flowery language but chances are that it would not take your website any further. Articles and blogs need to be organized well and should be comprehensible.
  • Google likes contents that are directed to additional sources so that viewers could gain more information on the concerned subject, follow-up the tasks and cite references.

How can the search engine optimizers and marketers filter webpages?

According to a good SEO company in London, efficient consultants follow a systematic procedure to filter the high quality web pages on a site. Well, let us see how exactly they do it.

Avoid incorporating the following things because they can generate misleading signals-

  1. Raw time- Visitors might be spending a long time on your website but it may not be because they are incredibly engaged, it may be that they are frustrated and cannot find what the services that they are looking for.
  2. Raw bounce rate- Bounce rate is considered a bad metric because it cannot answer complicated queries. This notion is only ideal if you are conducting simple searches.
  3. Assisted conversions- Integrating conversions that could direct you to pages or proper sources is considered beneficial by Google. However, at times websites do have assisted conversions that do not direct but provides an opportunity to retarget, remarket and drop cookies.
  4. Organic visits- There are certain webpages that might receive a substantial amount of organic traffic because of reasons other than the primary ones (content, design, user experience, navigational structure, etc.) but in reality disappointing searchers and hampering the credibility of the site.
Now that you are aware of what not to do, it is time to learn what you must do for effectually filtering the web-pages.

  • Combine the engagement metrics like total visits, number of visits the landing page has and external as well as internal links.
  • Combine the offsite metrics like links directed towards the root domains and shares on social media platforms.
  • Search engine metrics like pages that rank for their own titles, indexation, click-through rates (CTR), Google search console, and detection of original and duplicate contents.
  • Review the webpages starting either from their subsections, subdomains or subfolders. Categorize the pages, in order to understand which of them are perfect, which are to be rejected and which needs modification.

The best UK services company has asked the aspiring entrepreneurs to keep the above discussion in mind as that would let them know how Google identify high quality webpages and provide them ranks on SERPs.

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